I was conditioned to believe in fidelity to a person/leader/company and realized after so many years the only person being faithful was me.
Love the life you have and realize your options, SO much of what is taught or passed down is mental and emotional conditioning. People love and crave control, and guess what? Sometimes you are viewed as a mere pawn and are positioned to others will. Break free and do what makes you happy and find personal alignment with your thoughts and feelings and learn to trust gut feeling. Believe me when I say this, sometimes the most trustworthy person you know will eventually be only you. Depend on systems and people at your own will...I still do, just with a new perspective. I have my own best interest at hand and do not risk in others what I've learned to not want to lose
usa Bioactivos
3/28/2012 08:15:16 pm

Totalmente de acuerdo, y a pesar de todo, no perder la fe en las personas, simplemente el que no valora tu presencia y solo esta cerca de ti para saquear lo que pueda de ti, para luego seguir en su persecusion de lo que desea a cualquier costo, no te permita generalizar y cerrarte a la oportunidad de ofrecer y compartir tu amistad y talentos.


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